Ashara Vamros Hotgo

"You will never know how strong you are, until it is your only choice."A brief history and understanding of Ashara Hotgo, The Red Ghost and one of the few survivors of the Hotgo Tribe Massacre


Ashara Hotgo was born to her tribe in the Azim steppe and was raised there until while traveling her family and home was razed to the ground by the Dotharl tribe. In a state of blood lusting revenge she spent the next two months setting ambushes and killing Dotharl in retribution enough to be known by the tribe by her title of "Ulaan süns" or the Red Ghost. It was enough to warrant a response and what had lead to her capture by the tribe that killed her family. Spending two years as a slave eventually she escaped and lost both her natural voice and left eye for the price of her freedom.From here Ashara took refuge to Doma and trained with her master Joji Ishikara in the ways of fighting as a samurai. Taking those skills with her to Eorzea and working to fight back the voidsent from the end of days building a reputation as a reliable retainer and a talented fighter. During this time she found love and thought to settle down soon becoming pregnant with her child Uurinntuya.Sadly that love was not one to last. In the later days of her pregnancy Ashara was taken by Imperial Garlean remnants in an attempt to be used as leverage on her lover. During this time she bound to a voidsent to save both her life and Uri's life. It was here that a rift formed between her and her lovers and eventually she left with her child within Uurinntuya's first year of life. During this time Ashara began to fix up an old house that would soon become her shop, and to keep socially active found work in Mikoshi's Rest where she spends most of her time now when not with her baby.

Basic Information

Name: Ashara HotgoAge: 28 YearsGender: Cis WomanEye Color: Pink with a blind left eyeBuild: Fit, toned, and leanHair color: Typically blue or red with white accentsPersonality: Quiet, Sweet, and EmpatheticOccupation: Sword for Hire, Courtesan, and Teashop OwnerConnections: Uurinntuya Hotgo (Her child) | Kellanna Allaris (Former mother in law and good friend) | Raezes Tha'linaari (Former employer and good friend)

RP Hooks

- Member of another Xaela tribe that had old relations or issues.
- Wanted to talk music or artistry, maybe even a few pointers
- Recognized her from her old singing days and thought to ask why she is not singing.
- Just simply asking what is up with the face paint
- Find her on the job, often protection detail.

Rare Hooks

- Were present when the Hotgo tribe was killed or recognize the signs of a member of said tribe.
- Know her old master that taught her how to fight, Sensei Joji Ishikara.
- Crossed paths with her before or heard about her from recent adventuring jobs in the area.

Rules and Limits

1. Be mindful that I am a person behind the character, the way she acts may not be how I would act. Conflict can be fun and that does not mean I hate you.2. I will only RP with those above the age of 18, if I find out that you are younger connections with me will be severed.3. ERP is not my focus just because I only work with adults. It is something that CAN happen but it is NEVER my intention or focus. If you REALLY want to do a scene like that with me head to Mikoshi's rest on a night I work.